Prime Minister Dr. Edouard Ngirente on Tuesday officially inaugurated a new packaging line for Skol Brewery.
“This inauguration is an important milestone for Skol as a company, and for current and potential customers of Skol as the new packaging line will help Skol Brewery to double its bottling capacity, increase exports to neighboring countries,” Premier Ngirente said.
The Prime Minister further commended this initiative as it is in line with the National Strategy for Transformation, 2017-2024 whereby Rwanda aims at promoting industrialization and attaining a structural shift in the export base to high-value goods and services with the goal of growing exports by 17% annually.
The Prime Minister also revealed that the Government of Rwanda initiated the Made in Rwanda Campaign which aims at shifting mindsets towards local consumption, and promoting local industries.
Skol Brewery Rwanda Ltd which started production in Rwanda says it has grown its market share by 20 per from 5 per cent in 2010. The brewery had planned to reach this market share of 20 per cent by 2020 but hit the target sooner.
Last year, company officials said the brewer’s distribution on the Rwandan market had grown by 30 times in the past seven years, Skol Brewery now wants to target the regional market.
Skol Brewery Rwanda employees over 400 workers from 50 employees that the factory had when it started production.