Polyclinique la Medicale is located in Kigali city centre near St Famille Catholic Church in Nyarugenge, Rugenge at Muhima and is popularly referred to as ‘Kwa Kanimba’ after its founder.
When private practise in the health sector was liberalised in the early 1990s, Dr Pierre Célestin Kanimba was among the first to apply to establish a health facility. His wish was granted setting up a clinic by January 1991.
This was never an easy feat at the time given the difficult years the country was going through. The following years after setting-up, the genocide against the Tutsi struck devastating everything in its wake including the health sector.

After 1994, Dr. Kanimba picked-up himself to continue the journey he had started which had become very difficult after losing everything including human resource as well as material to carry on his work.
Dr Kanimba, the founder and proprietor of the Polyclinique la Medicale says that after 1994 it was difficult to operate because everything had been destroyed but looked for any equipment he could find to help people.
He commenced with looking for personnel to support him and slowly started procuring medical equipment to support his work.
That marked the new beginning of Polyclinique la Medicale found in Nyarugenge, Rugenge Muhima near St Famille that is popularly known as ‘Kwa Kanimba’ after its founder.
The need to improve health services for Rwandans has inspired the growth of Polyclinique la Medicale which now has set-up braches in all the four provinces of the country. The branches were started and can be found in Huye in the South (2003), Ngoma in the East (2005), Musanze in the North (2015) and Rubavu in the West (2017).
Dr. Kanimba is happy that his polyclinic has been able to bring services nearer to the people and endeavours to continue on this journey.
Plans in the pipeline are to upgrade to a hospital that will be built in Kigali city centre where land has already been acquired.
The planned hospital will further enhance the services offered at Polyclinique la Medicale as well as support the efforts of the branches established across the country. Dr. Kanimba says they are still raising capacity to be able to build the hospital as well as upgrade the facilities in the provinces.
The vision to expand and increase medical services is big, according to Dr. Kanimba this is intended to uplift healthcare in Rwanda by taking quality services closer to the people and it will be achieved gradually with or without him.
Currently, Polyclinique la Medicale offers medical services including; General Medicine, Internal Medicine, Pediatrics, Endoscopy, Gynecology and Obstetrics, Dental services, Ophtalmology, ENT, Radiology, Immunization, Physiotherapy, Screening, Laboratory and Hospitalization among others.
To support these services, the private polyclinic partners with different insurance companies like with RSSB, MMI, SORAS, SAHAM, RADIANT, UAP, BRITAM, MIS UR. The polyclinic wishes and always seeks partners to work with for a healthy nation.
The growth of Polyclinique la Medicale over the years has been gradual and experienced in all categories, modern equipment has been acquired and personnel has grown to at least 245 workers including 96 at the main polyclinic in Kigali.
Polyclinique la Medicale continues to effectively work together with other stakeholders in the health sector including the Ministry of Health to enhance medical services delivery.
Dr. Kanimba as a physician with over 40 years’ experience in both public and private practise recommends the efforts of the Rwandan government towards Community Based Health Insurance or Mutuelle de Sante to become more stronger and be able to support healthcare for all Rwandans.