Yolande Mukagasana and the friends of the memory of the genocide perpetrated against the Tutsi launched a foundation known as the Fondation Yolande Mukagasana this Monday, the foundation will has three objectives, among other things to;
- Fight against denial and revisionism of the genocide against the Tutsi;
- Fight against the ideology of genocide and promote any art that will have the same objective whether in writing, music, theater or cinema;
- Conduct research on the Genocide against the Tutsi in collaboration with relevant organizations through organizing conferences and seminars on the genocide against the Tutsi, archiving the history of the genocide and promoting the culture of reading and writing about the Genocide against Tutsi.
Speaking on the objective of this foundation, Yolande Mukagasana President and founding member said that,”The ideology and the denial of the genocide perpetrated against the Tutsi is still topical, especially in journalistic and academic sectors influenced by the perpetrators of the genocide and their friends. With the evolution of the media that gave birth to social media which give an easy audience to the most weird statements in the name of freedom of expression. As keepers of memory, we cannot accept the distortion of the history of Rwanda and of the genocide in particular”.
The Foundation was founded by different people, both Rwandans and foreigners of all categories in age, education, skills and experiences with different backgrounds. The majority being the young people who want to rebuild Rwanda, and build on our differences. The reason why this Foundation will not only be limited to the fight genocide against the Tutsi, and will denounce wherever there is a risk of genocide.
“We must know that our differences do not make us enemies, but the riches on which we must all rebuild together. The genocide perpetrated against the Tutsi is the history of Rwandans, it is the history of humanity. To fight against the ideology and denial of genocide is to fight against hate. Hence, it’s everyone’s duty to get involved in this fight “added Yolande Mukagasana
The Foundation Yolande Mukagasana Foundation is open to anyone, to any institution, both national and international, sharing the same vision.
Yolande Mukagasana
The genocide against the Tutsi left Yolande Mukagasana widowed and childless. Since 1995, she has been confronted with the Denial and Revisionism of this genocide in the West. Her struggle began in 1995 in Europe where she spent 16 years talking and testifying about the Genocide against Tutsi, justice, peace and living together despite her wounds.
She has traveled around the world to bear witness to what happened in Rwanda in 1994. She has received various awards including the Honorable Mention of the UNESCO Prize for Peace Education, recognition by the American Jewish Community and many others.
Yolande Mukagasana is also the author of seven books translated into different languages and such are the reasons why Yolande Mukagasana’s commitment to promote the culture of reading and writing about the genocide against the Tutsi, hence keeping the memory live!
“There will be no humanity without forgiveness, there will be no forgiveness without justice, and there will be no justice without humanity.” Yolande Mukagasana.