Wolfram Mining and Processing Ltd (WMP Ltd) is a leading mining and processing company in Rwanda with an ambitious programme of improving its business operations directed at sustainable and fair working environment as well as the development of the communities.
Since 2006 when the company commenced operations, it has ensured the use of modern equipment that has allowed mining operations to level up and decrease risks both to the miners and the environment. The company has set up various programmes which not only helped the workers but contributed to the development of the community.
The company has also evolved in so many things, starting with 300 workers the number kept on increasing and today employees over 2,000 workers.
Employment at Wolfram Mining and Processing has ensured the promotion of gender, as mining has so far been known to be a male-dominated sector, the company has put a lot of effort into training women and showing them that they are also capable. The company has also set-up child facilities at workplace and established breast feeding rooms for mining workers.
To recognise its contribution of being one of the leading companies in the country that promotes gender balance in contributing to its sustainability, Wolfram Mining and Processing was awarded a certificate of recognition by the Gender Monitoring Office (GMO).
WMP Ltd has been at the forefront in contributing to social developments in communities like construction of roads, schools and building houses for the most vulnerable persons. The company also pays Community Based Health Insurance (Mutuelle de Santé) to the most vulnerable and survivors of the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi.
With some mining activities known to affect environment, Wolfram Mining and Processing actively participates in the protection of the environment by planting trees and taking safety measures that does not affect the environment and people.
Wolfram Mining and Processing Ltd operates two main mining concessions in Gifurwe, Burera District in the Northern Province and at Rwinkwavu, Kayonza District in the Eastern Province near Akagera National Park.
The Gifurwe concession produces Tungsten (WO3) while Rwinkwavu concession produces Sno2.
Currently, mining at Wolfram Mining and Processing Ltd is semi-industrial, although the company’s goal is to invest more to become industrial.
The company has come far and the vision is big to raise the mining sector in Rwanda. Future plans and the on-going operations take into account how the company can further contribute to the development of the country.