New waves of displaced people are fleeing the fighting between the M23 rebels and DRC government forces, from the rural commune territory of Rutshuru and Masisi to Kanyabayonga,
From their original environment to Kanyabayonga, sources noted on Tuesday, November 28 that the displaced people are experiencing an ordeal.
These people are fleeing the localities of Nyanzale, Kirima, Kitchanga, Kachalira and Kibirizi in the territories of Rutshuru and Masisi.
Many of them, including children, travel between 25 and 75 kilometers on foot before reaching the rural commune of Kanyabayonga in the Lubero territory.
According to Zacharie Mumbere Lubuto, vice-president of the local committee of the displaced people, some displaced women were raped on the way to escape:
“For displaced women from Kibirizi, Kashalira, Kirima, Nyanzale, Kichanga, many were raped during their flight. It was on the way to Kyasenda that eight women were raped.”
On site in Kanyabayonga, some displaced people find themselves forced to beg and work in private fields.
Norbert Sivanzire, executive director of local NGO Solidarity Action for Youth and Sustainable Environment, explains why:
“Because the displaced do not regularly receive humanitarian aid. Throughout the year, there were only three organizations that tried to assist the displaced.”
To date, thousands of displaced households live with host families in the rural commune of Kanyabayonga.