Congolese authorities say that at least 17 people have been killed in landslides in the northern parts of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).
The landslide took place on Sunday along the Congo river in the town of Lisala Mongala province.
According to José Lipangom the president of the civil society Forces Vives, the disaster took place on Sunday along the Congo river in the town of Lisala Mongala province killing the victims whose houses were built at the foot of a mountain.
“We are asking the provincial authorities (NLDLR: Mongala) and the President of the Republic to quickly come to the aid of the victims. The town of Lisala will soon disappear following erosion. There aren’t even any roads because the rains continue to fall.” he said.
He also requested the intervention of deputies as well as elected senators of this province in favor of the victims of this landslide which occurred in Lisala.
The Akula district, where this tragedy occurred, is located at the bottom of a mound along the Congo River.
José Lipango further noted that the disaster is due to the progression of several heads of erosion which have threatened the town of Lisala for several years.
It is in this context that he recommended that this city be taken into account in the government anti-erosion program.